Hello coders, today we are going to solve The Blunder HackerRank Solution in SQL.
Samantha was tasked with calculating the average monthly salaries for all employees in the EMPLOYEES table, but did not realize her keyboard’s 0 key was broken until after completing the calculation. She wants your help finding the difference between her miscalculation (using salaries with any zeros removed), and the actual average salary.
Write a query calculating the amount of error (i.e. actual – miscalculated: average monthly salaries), and round it up to the next integer.
Input Format
The EMPLOYEES table is described as follows:
Column | Type |
ID | Integer |
Name | String |
Salary | Integer |
Note: Salary is per month.
- 1000 < Salary < 10^5
Sample Input
Id | Name | Salary |
1 | Kristeen | 1420 |
2 | Ashley | 2006 |
3 | Julia | 2210 |
4 | Maria | 3000 |
Sample Output
The table below shows the salaries without zeros as they were entered by Samantha:
Id | Name | Salary |
1 | Kristeen | 142 |
2 | Ashley | 26 |
3 | Julia | 221 |
4 | Maria | 3 |
Samantha computes an average salary of 98.00. The actual average salary is 2159.00.
The resulting error between the two calculations is 2159.00 – 98.00 = 2061.00. Since it is equal to the integer 2061, it does not get rounded up.
Solution – The Blunder in SQL
Disclaimer: The above Problem (The Blunder) is generated by Hacker Rank but the Solution is Provided by CodingBroz. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning Purpose.
select cast(CEILING(avg(cast(salary as float)) – avg(cast(replace(salary,0,”) as float)))as int) from Employees