‘Sed’ command #4 – HackerRank Solution

In this post, we will solve ‘Sed’ command #4 HackerRank Solution. This problem (‘Sed’ command) is a part of Linux Shell series.


Sed is a popular utility that enables quick parsing and transformation of text. Here are some basic uses for it:

Substitute the first occurrence of editor with tool:

$:~/hackerrank/bash/grep/grep1$ echo "My favorite programming editor is Emacs. Another editor I like is Vim." | sed -e s/editor/tool/
My favorite programming tool is Emacs. Another editor I like is Vim.

Substitute all occurrences of editor with tool:

$:~/hackerrank/bash/grep/grep1$ echo "My favorite programming editor is Emacs. Another editor I like is Vim." | sed -e s/editor/tool/g
My favorite programming tool is Emacs. Another tool I like is Vim.  

Substitute the second occurrence of editor with tool:

$:~/hackerrank/bash/grep/grep1$ echo "My favorite programming editor is Emacs. Another editor I like is Vim." | sed -e s/editor/tool/2
My favorite programming editor is Emacs. Another tool I like is Vim.

Highlight all occurrences of editor by enclosing them in curly brackets (i.e., {}):

$:~/hackerrank/bash/grep/grep1$ echo "My favorite programming editor is Emacs. Another editor I like is Vim." | sed -e s/editor/{\&}/g
My favorite programming {editor} is Emacs. Another {editor} I like is Vim.


Given n lines of credit card numbers, mask the first 12 digits of each credit card number with an asterisk (i.e., *) and print the masked card number on a new line. Each credit card number consists of four space-separated groups of four digits. For example, the credit card number 1234 5678 9101 1234 would be masked and printed as **** **** **** 1234.

Input Format

Each line contains a credit card number in the form dddd dddd dddd dddd, where d denotes a decimal digit (i.e., 0 through 9). There are a total of n lines of credit card numbers.


  • 1 <= n <= 20; note that the value of n does not matter when writing your command.

Output Format

For each credit card number, print its masked version on a new line.

Sample Input

1234 5678 9101 1234  
2999 5178 9101 2234  
9999 5628 9201 1232  
8888 3678 9101 1232  

Sample Output

**** **** **** 1234
**** **** **** 2234
**** **** **** 1232
**** **** **** 1232


Observe that the first twelve digits have been masked for each credit card number, and they are printed in the same order as they were received as input.

Solution – ‘Sed’ command #4 – HackerRank Solution

sed -r 's/[0-9]{4}[ ]/**** /g'

Note: This problem (‘Sed’ command #4) is generated by HackerRank but the solution is provided by CodingBroz. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purpose.

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