In this post, we will solve Expressions V2 HackerRank Solution. This problem (Expressions V2) is a part of HackerRank Functional Programming series.
Once Kazama had written a basic calculator, he read further about other operators and operator precedence. Now he is writing a new calculator with following details:
- Binary addition: x + y.
- Binary subtraction: x – y
- Multiplication: x x y
- Division: x/y
- Unary operators: +x and –x
- Brackets: ( . . . )
Operator precedence
(Unary operators, Brackets) > (Multiplication, Division) > (Binary addition, Binary subtraction)
Now all operators are right associative. That is p – q – r = p – (q – r), or p/q/r = p/(q/r)
Formally it has following grammar:
Expression ::= Term [+-] Expression
| Term
Term ::= Factor [*/] Term
| Factor
Factor ::= Number
| [+-] Factor
| '(' Expression ')'
He needs your help to verify it. He wants you to solve some expressions for him using the above grammar and he will cross check the results. Since you are also lazy, you will write another computer program which will solve the expressions. Since the output value can be too large, you have to tell output modulo 1000000007 (= 109 + 7).
- 109 + 7 is a prime.
- 1/b = b-1 = bp-2 (mod p), where p is prime and b < p
Input Format
Input will contain a valid expression.
- Length of expression will not exceed 105.
- 1 <= number <= 109
- There can be 0 or more whitespaces between operators/operands.
- Tests are designed such that there will be no divide by zero case.
- Each factor will be accompanied by at-most one unary operator. That is““-+-4” is an invalid case.
Output Format
Print the result of expression modulo (109 + 7)
Sample Input 0
22 * 79 - 21
Sample Output 0
Sample Input 1
4/-2/2 + 8
Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2
Sample Output 2
Sample Input 3
4/-2/(2 + 8)
Sample Output 3
Sample Case 0:
22 * 79 – 21 = 1738 – 21 = 1717
Sample Case 1:
4/ – 2/2 + 8 = 4
Sample Case 2:
55 + 3 – 45 * 33 – 25 = 999998605 (mod p), where p = 109 + 7
Sample Case 3:
4/ – 2/(2 + 8) = 99999987 (mod p), where p = 109 + 7
Solution – Expressions V2 – HackerRank Solution
import{BufferedReader, IOException, InputStreamReader} import java.util.StringTokenizer class FastReader() { val br: BufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( var st: StringTokenizer = _ def nextInt: Int = next.toInt def nextLong: Long = next.toLong def nextDouble: Double = next.toDouble def next: String = { while (st == null || !st.hasMoreElements) try st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine) catch { case e: IOException => e.printStackTrace() } st.nextToken } def nextLine: String = { var str = "" try str = br.readLine catch { case e: IOException => e.printStackTrace() } str } } trait Expression object Expression { val modulo = 1000000007 } case class Number(value: Int) extends Expression trait Binary extends Expression { def eval(a: Int, b: Int): Int } trait Additive extends Binary trait Multiplicative extends Binary trait Unary extends Expression { def eval(v: Int): Int } case object UnaryAddition extends Unary { override def eval(v: Int): Int = v } case object UnarySubtraction extends Unary { override def eval(v: Int): Int = -v } case object BinaryAddition extends Additive { override def eval(a: Int, b: Int): Int = Math.floorMod(a.toLong + b, Expression.modulo).toInt } case object BinarySubtraction extends Additive { override def eval(a: Int, b: Int): Int = Math.floorMod(a.toLong - b, Expression.modulo).toInt } case object Multiplication extends Multiplicative { override def eval(a: Int, b: Int): Int = Math.floorMod(a.toLong * b, Expression.modulo).toInt } case object Division extends Multiplicative { override def eval(a: Int, b: Int): Int = { val bb = BigInt(b).modPow(Expression.modulo - 2, Expression.modulo).toLong Math.floorMod(a * bb, Expression.modulo).toInt } } object Solution { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val sc = new FastReader val s = sc.nextLine println(solve(s)) } def solve(s: String): Int = { case class State(index: Int = 0, expressions: List[Expression] = Nil, subexpressions: List[List[Expression]] = Nil) @scala.annotation.tailrec def parseNumber(index: Int, number: Int = 0): (Int, Int) = if (index < s.length) { val c = s(index) if (c.isDigit) parseNumber(index + 1, 10 * number + c - '0') else (index, number) } else (index, number) @scala.annotation.tailrec def eval(expressions: List[Expression]): Int = expressions match { case Number(b) :: Nil => b case Number(b) :: (op: Binary) :: Number(a) :: exs => eval(Number(op.eval(a, b)) :: exs) case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong expression") } @scala.annotation.tailrec def simplify(expressions: List[Expression]): List[Expression] = expressions match { case Number(b) :: (op: Unary) :: exs => simplify(Number(op.eval(b)) :: exs) case (nextOp: Additive) :: Number(b) :: (op: Multiplicative) :: Number(a) :: exs => simplify(nextOp :: Number(op.eval(a, b)) :: exs) case exs@_ => exs } @scala.annotation.tailrec def inner(state: State): State = { def withExpression(expression: Expression): State = State(state.index + 1, expression :: state.expressions, state.subexpressions) if (state.index < s.length) { val c = s(state.index) val nextState = c match { case '(' => State(state.index + 1, Nil, state.expressions :: state.subexpressions) case ')' => State(state.index + 1, Number(eval(state.expressions)) :: state.subexpressions.head, state.subexpressions.tail) case '+' => withExpression(state.expressions match { case (_: Number) :: _ => BinaryAddition case _ => UnaryAddition }) case '-' => withExpression(state.expressions match { case (_: Number) :: _ => BinarySubtraction case _ => UnarySubtraction }) case '*' => withExpression(Multiplication) case '/' => withExpression(Division) case d: Char if d.isDigit => val (nextIndex, number) = parseNumber(state.index) State(nextIndex, Number(number) :: state.expressions, state.subexpressions) case _ => state.copy(index = state.index + 1) } val nextExpressions = simplify(nextState.expressions) inner(nextState.copy(expressions = nextExpressions)) } else state } eval(inner(State()).expressions) } }
Note: This problem (Expressions V2) is generated by HackerRank but the solution is provided by CodingBroz. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purpose.