C++ Program to Find First and Last Digit of a Number

In this post, we will learn how to find the first and last digit of a number using C++ Programming language.

Suppose the user enters a number 5468, then it’s first digit is 5 and last digit 8. We will find the same in our program using simple arithmetic operators.

So, without further ado, let’s begin this tutorial.

C++ Program to Find First and Last Digit of a Number

// C++ Program to Find First and Last Digit of a Number
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    int num, last;
    // Asking for input
    cout << "Enter a number: ";
    cin >> num;
    // Last Digit
    last = num % 10;
    // First digit 
    while (num > 10){
        num = num / 10;
    // Displaying output
    cout << "The first digit of entered number is: " << num << endl;
    cout << "The last digit of entered number is: " << last << endl;
    return 0;


Enter a number: 12345
The first digit of entered number is: 1
The last digit of entered number is: 5

How Does This Program Work ?

    int num, last;

In this program, we have declared two int data type variables named num and last.

    // Asking for input
    cout << "Enter a number: ";
    cin >> num;

Then, the user is asked to enter a number.

    // Last Digit
    last = num % 10;

We find the last digit of the entered number using the modulus (%) operator. Modulus operators return remainder after division.

    // First digit 
    while (num > 10){
        num = num / 10;

We found the first digit of the entered number using a simple while loop. Dividing the entered number by 10 will remove all the digits one by one from right to left.

When the value of num is less than 10, the loop terminates leaving the value of num a single integer which is also the first digit of the number. 

    // Displaying output
    cout << "The first digit of entered number is: " << num << endl;
    cout << "The last digit of entered number is: " << last << endl;

Finally, the first and last digit of the entered number is displayed on the screen using the cout statement.


I hope after going through this post, you understand how to find the first and last digit of a number using C++ Programming language.

If you have any doubt regarding the program, feel free to contact us in the comment section. We will be delighted to guide you.

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