Hello coders, today we are going to solve Attending Workshops HackerRank Solution in C++.

A student signed up for workshops and wants to attend the maximum number of workshops where no two workshops overlap. You must do the following:
Implement structures:
- struct Workshop having the following members:
- The workshop’s start time.
- The workshop’s duration.
- The workshop’s end time.
- struct Available_Workshops having the following members:
- An integer, (the number of workshops the student signed up for).
- An array of type Workshop array having size .
Implement functions:
- Available_Workshops* initialize (int start_time[], int duration[], int n)
Creates an Available_Workshops object and initializes its elements using the elements in the start_time[] and duration[] parameters (both are of size n). Here, start_time[i] and duration[i] are the respective start time and duration for the ith workshop. This function must return a pointer to an Available_Workshops object. - int CalculateMaxWorkshops(Available_Workshops* ptr)
Returns the maximum number of workshops the student can attend—without overlap. The next workshop cannot be attended until the previous workshop ends.
Note: An array of unknown size (n) should be declared as follows:
DataType* arrayName = new DataType[n];
Input Format
Input from stdin is handled by the locked code in the editor; you simply need to write your functions to meet the specifications of the problem statement above.
- 1 <= N <= 105
- 0 <= start_time <= 103
- 0 <= durationi <= 103
Output Format
Output to stdout is handled for you.
Your initialize function must return a pointer to an Available_Workshops object.
Your CalculateMaxWorkshops function must return maximum number of non-overlapping workshops the student can attend.
Sample Input
1 3 0 5 5 8
1 1 6 2 4 1
Sample Output
CalculateMaxWorkshops should return 4.
The first line denotes n, the number of workshops.
The next line contains n space-separated integers where the ith integer is the ith workshop’s start time.
The next line contains n space-separated integers where the ith integer is the ith workshop’s duration.
The student can attend the workshops 0, 1, 3, and 5 without overlap, so CalculateMaxWorkshops returns 4 to main (which then prints 4 to stdout).
Solution – Attending Workshops in C++
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; //Define the structs Workshops and Available_Workshops. //Implement the functions initialize and CalculateMaxWorkshops struct Workshops{ friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Workshops &obj); int start_time; int end_time; int duration; bool operator<(const Workshops &rhs){ return (this->end_time < rhs.end_time); } }; ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Workshops &obj){ os << obj.start_time << ": " << obj.end_time << ": " << obj.duration << "\n"; return os; } struct Available_Workshops{ int n; vector<Workshops> vec; }; Available_Workshops* initialize(int start_time[], int duration[], int num) { Available_Workshops *avail = new Available_Workshops; avail->n = num; Workshops test; for(int i{0}; i < num; i++){ test.start_time = start_time[i]; test.duration = duration[i]; test.end_time = start_time[i] + duration[i]; avail->vec.push_back(test); } sort(avail->vec.begin(), avail->vec.end()); return avail; } int CalculateMaxWorkshops(Available_Workshops *test){ int w_count = 1; int test_end_time = test->vec.at(0).end_time; for(int i{1}; i < test->n; i++){ if(test_end_time <= test->vec.at(i).start_time){ w_count++; test_end_time = test->vec.at(i).end_time; } } return w_count; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int n; // number of workshops cin >> n; // create arrays of unknown size n int* start_time = new int[n]; int* duration = new int[n]; for(int i=0; i < n; i++){ cin >> start_time[i]; } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ cin >> duration[i]; } Available_Workshops * ptr; ptr = initialize(start_time,duration, n); cout << CalculateMaxWorkshops(ptr) << endl; return 0; }
Disclaimer: The above Problem (Attending Workshops) is generated by Hacker Rank but the Solution is Provided by CodingBroz. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning Purpose.