In this post, we will solve While Language HackerRank Solution. This problem (While Language) is a part of HackerRank Functional Programming series.
Here you have to design an interpreter for a subset of the While language. It is a simple imperative language which only supports integer literals.
We will use similar grammar which its authors1,2,3 have used. Below is the description of grammar that we will use.
- x, y ∈ Var (variables)
- n ∈ Num (numerals/integers)
- opa ∈ Opa (arithmetic operators)
opa ::=+
- opb ∈ Opb (boolean operators)
opb ::=and
- opr ∈ Opr (relational operators)
opr ::=>
- a ∈ AExp (arithmetic expressions)
a ::= x | n | a1 opa a2 | ( a ) - b ∈ BExp (boolean expressions)
b ::= true | false | b1 opb b2 | a1 opr a2 | ( b ) - S ∈ Stmt (statements)
S ::= x := a | S1 ; S2 | if b then { S1 } else { S2 } | while b do { S }
Here all operators are left associative. Their precedence order is as follows.
- Arithmetic Operators: (
) > (+
) > (>
) - Boolean Operators:
You can safely assume that all variables have integer type and are initialized properly. All variables name will consist of only lowercase letter (‘a’-‘z’) and it’s length will not exceed 10.
Note that “;
” is more like of a sequencing operator. It is used to concatenate two statements. That’s why there will be no “;
” at the end of block of statements.
All divisions are integers divisions, that is, a/b = floor(a/b)
. Intermediate values of any variable will always be in range [0, 2*1018].
All test cases are valid programs. All of them will execute no more than 106 operations. All operators and operand will be separated by at least one white space.
Input will be the multiline While program. You have to read it to the end of file.
At the end of program, you have to print each variable’s name and its value, in different lines, sorted by the lexicographical order of name.
Sample Input #00
fact := 1 ;
val := 10000 ;
cur := val ;
mod := 1000000007 ;
while ( cur > 1 )
fact := fact * cur ;
fact := fact - fact / mod * mod ;
cur := cur - 1
} ;
cur := 0
Sample Output #00
cur 0
fact 531950728
mod 1000000007
val 10000
Sample Input #01
a := 10 ;
b := 100 ;
if ( a < b ) then
min := a ;
max := b
else {
min := b ;
max := a
Sample Output #01
a 10
b 100
max 100
min 10
Sample Case #00: This programs calculate the factorial of a number. Here it calculate the value of 10000! % (10^9+7)
using while statement. Using the property a % b == a - (a/b)*b
we calcuated the modulo of solution.
Sample Case #01: This program finds the maximum and minimum of a
and b
using if else statement.
Solution – While Language – HackerRank Solution
import scala.collection.mutable case class Ram(data: mutable.Map[String, Long]) trait Expression trait Operand extends Expression case class Variable(name: String) extends ArithmeticEvaluation { override def eval(ram: Ram): Long = } case class Number(value: Long) extends ArithmeticEvaluation { override def eval(ram: Ram): Long = value } case class Parentheses(expressions: List[Expression]) extends ArithmeticEvaluation { private lazy val evaluation = toEvaluation.asInstanceOf[ArithmeticEvaluation] def toEvaluation: Evaluation = { val res = Parentheses.operationGroups.foldLeft(expressions)((acc, ops) => { def simplify(expressions: List[Expression]): List[Expression] = expressions match { case Nil => Nil case (a: BooleanValue) :: Nil => simplify(ValueBoolean(a) :: Nil) case (a: BooleanEvaluation) :: (op: BooleanOperation) :: (b: BooleanEvaluation) :: exs if ops.contains(op) => simplify(BinaryBoolean(op, a, b) :: exs) case (a: Number) :: Nil => simplify(ValueArithmetic(a) :: Nil) case (a: Variable) :: Nil => simplify(ValueArithmetic(a) :: Nil) case (a: ArithmeticEvaluation) :: (op: ArithmeticOperation) :: (b: ArithmeticEvaluation) :: exs if ops.contains(op) => simplify(BinaryArighmetic(op, a, b) :: exs) case (a: ArithmeticEvaluation) :: (op: RelationalOperation) :: (b: ArithmeticEvaluation) :: exs if ops.contains(op) => simplify(BinaryRelational(op, a, b) :: exs) case ex :: exs => ex :: simplify(exs) } simplify(acc) }) res.head.asInstanceOf[Evaluation] } override def eval(ram: Ram): Long = evaluation.eval(ram) } case class CurlyBrackets(expressions: List[Expression]) extends Expression object Parentheses { val operationGroups = Seq( Seq(Multiplication, Division), Seq(Addition, Subtraction), Seq(Greater, Less), Seq(And), Seq(Or), Seq(Assignment) ) } trait Operation extends Expression trait ArithmeticOperation extends Operation { def eval(a: Long, b: Long): Long } trait Additive extends ArithmeticOperation trait Multiplicative extends ArithmeticOperation case object Addition extends Additive { override def eval(a: Long, b: Long): Long = a + b } case object Subtraction extends Additive { override def eval(a: Long, b: Long): Long = a - b } case object Multiplication extends Multiplicative { override def eval(a: Long, b: Long): Long = a * b } case object Division extends Multiplicative { override def eval(a: Long, b: Long): Long = a / b } trait RelationalOperation extends Operation { def eval(a: Long, b: Long): Boolean } case object Less extends RelationalOperation { override def eval(a: Long, b: Long): Boolean = a < b } case object Greater extends RelationalOperation { override def eval(a: Long, b: Long): Boolean = a > b } trait BooleanOperation extends Operation { def eval(a: Boolean, b: Boolean): Boolean } case object And extends BooleanOperation { override def eval(a: Boolean, b: Boolean): Boolean = a && b } case object Or extends BooleanOperation { override def eval(a: Boolean, b: Boolean): Boolean = a || b } trait Keyword extends Expression case object If extends Keyword case object Then extends Keyword case object Else extends Keyword case object While extends Keyword case object Do extends Keyword case object Assignment extends Operation trait BooleanValue extends Operand { def value: Boolean } case object False extends BooleanValue { override def value: Boolean = false } case object True extends BooleanValue { override def value: Boolean = true } case class Statement(expressions: List[Expression]) extends Expression case class Lexeme(s: String) extends Expression trait Evaluation extends Operand trait BooleanEvaluation extends Evaluation { def eval(ram: Ram): Boolean } case class ValueBoolean(a: BooleanValue) extends BooleanEvaluation { override def eval(ram: Ram): Boolean = a.value } case class BinaryBoolean(op: BooleanOperation, a: BooleanEvaluation, b: BooleanEvaluation) extends BooleanEvaluation { override def eval(ram: Ram): Boolean = op.eval(a.eval(ram), b.eval(ram)) } case class BinaryRelational(op: RelationalOperation, a: ArithmeticEvaluation, b: ArithmeticEvaluation) extends BooleanEvaluation { override def eval(ram: Ram): Boolean = op.eval(a.eval(ram), b.eval(ram)) } trait ArithmeticEvaluation extends Evaluation { def eval(ram: Ram): Long } case class ValueArithmetic(a: ArithmeticEvaluation) extends ArithmeticEvaluation { override def eval(ram: Ram): Long = a.eval(ram) } case class BinaryArighmetic(op: ArithmeticOperation, a: ArithmeticEvaluation, b: ArithmeticEvaluation) extends ArithmeticEvaluation { override def eval(ram: Ram): Long = op.eval(a.eval(ram), b.eval(ram)) } trait Operator extends Expression { def execute(ram: Ram): Unit } case class WhileOperator(condition: BooleanEvaluation, body: List[Operator]) extends Operator { override def execute(ram: Ram): Unit = while (condition.eval(ram)) body.foreach(_.execute(ram)) } case class IfOperator(condition: BooleanEvaluation, op1: List[Operator], op2: List[Operator]) extends Operator { override def execute(ram: Ram): Unit = if (condition.eval(ram)) op1.foreach(_.execute(ram)) else op2.foreach(_.execute(ram)) } case class AssignmentOperator(variable: Variable, evaluation: ArithmeticEvaluation) extends Operator { override def execute(ram: Ram): Unit = = evaluation.eval(ram) } object Solution { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val code = io.Source.stdin.getLines().mkString("\n") println(solve(code.split("""\s+""").iterator)) } def solve(s: Iterator[String]): String = { case class State(expressions: List[Expression] = Nil, subexpressions: List[List[Expression]] = Nil) @scala.annotation.tailrec def extractStatement(expressions: List[Expression], acc: List[Expression] = Nil): List[Expression] = expressions match { case Nil => Statement(acc) :: Nil case (st: Statement) :: exs => Statement(acc) :: st :: exs case ex :: exs => extractStatement(exs, ex :: acc) } val lexemes = Map( "+" -> Addition, "-" -> Subtraction, "*" -> Multiplication, "/" -> Division, "and" -> And, "or" -> Or, ">" -> Greater, "<" -> Less, ":=" -> Assignment, "true" -> True, "false" -> False, "if" -> If, "then" -> Then, "else" -> Else, "while" -> While, "do" -> Do, "(" -> Lexeme("("), ")" -> Lexeme(")"), "{" -> Lexeme("{"), "}" -> Lexeme("}"), ";" -> Lexeme(";"), ) @scala.annotation.tailrec def inner(state: State): State = { def withExpression(expression: Expression): State = State(expression :: state.expressions, state.subexpressions) if (s.hasNext) { val c = val nextState = c match { case lexeme if lexemes.contains(lexeme) => lexemes(lexeme) match { case Lexeme("(") | Lexeme("{") => State(Nil, state.expressions :: state.subexpressions) case Lexeme(")") => State(Parentheses(state.expressions.reverse) :: state.subexpressions.head, state.subexpressions.tail) case Lexeme("}") => State(CurlyBrackets(extractStatement(state.expressions)) :: state.subexpressions.head, state.subexpressions.tail) case Lexeme(";") => State(extractStatement(state.expressions), state.subexpressions) case lex => withExpression(lex) } case variable if variable.head.isLetter => State(Variable(variable) :: state.expressions, state.subexpressions) case number if number.head.isDigit => State(Number(number.toLong) :: state.expressions, state.subexpressions) case _ => state } inner(nextState) } else state } def rectifyStatements(statements: List[Statement], acc: List[Operator] = Nil): List[Operator] = statements match { case Nil => acc case st :: sts => val nextStatement = st.expressions match { case While :: (condition: Parentheses) :: Do :: CurlyBrackets(body) :: Nil => WhileOperator(condition.toEvaluation.asInstanceOf[BooleanEvaluation], rectifyStatements([Statement]))) case If :: (condition: Parentheses) :: Then :: CurlyBrackets(op1) :: Else :: CurlyBrackets(op2) :: Nil => IfOperator(condition.toEvaluation.asInstanceOf[BooleanEvaluation], rectifyStatements([Statement])), rectifyStatements([Statement])) ) case (variable: Variable) :: Assignment :: exs => AssignmentOperator(variable, Parentheses(exs).toEvaluation.asInstanceOf[ArithmeticEvaluation]) case _ => throw new Exception("Unsupported statement") } rectifyStatements(sts, nextStatement :: acc) } val expressions = extractStatement(inner(State()).expressions) val operators = rectifyStatements([Statement])) val ram = Ram(mutable.Map()) operators.foreach(_.execute(ram)) { case (name, value) => s"$name $value" }.mkString("\n") } }
Note: This problem (While Language) is generated by HackerRank but the solution is provided by CodingBroz. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purpose.