Binary Tree Data Structure Interview Questions
- Inorder Tree Traversal
- Preorder Tree Traversal
- Postorder Tree Traversal
- Check if two binary trees are identical or not
- Print bottom view of a binary tree
- Print top view of a binary tree
- In-place convert a binary tree to its sum tree
- Determine whether the given binary tree nodes are cousins of each other
- Print cousins of a given node in a binary tree
- Check if a binary tree is a sum tree or not
- Combinations of words formed by replacing given numbers with corresponding alphabets
- Determine whether a binary tree is a subtree of another binary tree
- Find the diameter of a binary tree
- Check if a binary tree is symmetric or not
- Convert a binary tree to its mirror
- Determine if a binary tree can be converted to another by doing any number of swaps of children
- Find the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) of two nodes in a binary tree
- Print all paths from the root to leaf nodes of a binary tree
- Find ancestors of a given node in a binary tree
- Find distance between given pairs of nodes in a binary tree
- Find the diagonal sum of a binary tree
- Sink nodes containing zero to the bottom of a binary tree
- Convert a binary tree to a full tree by removing half nodes
- Truncate a binary tree to remove nodes that lie on a path having a sum less than `k`
- Find maximum sum root to leaf path in a binary tree
- Check if a binary tree is height-balanced or not
- Convert binary tree to Left-child right-sibling binary tree
- Print all paths from leaf to root node of a binary tree
- Iteratively print the leaf to root path for every leaf node in a binary tree
- Build a binary tree from a parent array
- Find all nodes at a given distance from leaf nodes in a binary tree
- Count all subtrees having the same value of nodes in a binary tree
- Find the maximum difference between a node and its descendants in a binary tree
- Find the maximum sum path between two leaves in a binary tree
- Construct a binary tree from inorder and preorder traversal
- Construct a binary tree from inorder and postorder traversals
- Construct a binary tree from inorder and level order sequence
- Construct a full binary tree from the preorder sequence with leaf node information
- Construct a full binary tree from a preorder and postorder sequence
- Find postorder traversal of a binary tree from its inorder and preorder sequence
- Set next pointer to the inorder successor of all nodes in a binary tree
- Find preorder traversal of a binary tree from its inorder and postorder sequence
- Find the difference between the sum of all nodes present at odd and even levels in a binary tree
- Clone a binary tree with random pointers
- Threaded Binary Tree — Overview and Implementation
- Determine if a binary tree satisfies the height-balanced property of a red–black tree
- Construct an ancestor matrix from a binary tree
- Find all possible binary trees having the same inorder traversal
- Perform boundary traversal on a binary tree
- Check if each node of a binary tree has exactly one child
- Evaluate a Binary Expression Tree
- Construction of an expression tree
- Fix children-sum property in a binary tree
- Maximum path sum in a binary tree
- Create a mirror of an m–ary tree
- Print a two-dimensional view of a binary tree
- Construct a binary tree from an ancestor matrix
- Determine whether a given binary tree is a BST or not
- Find inorder successor for the given key in a BST
- Fix a binary tree that is only one swap away from becoming a BST
- Find the size of the largest BST in a binary tree
- Print binary tree structure with its contents in C++
- Maximum Independent Set Problem
- Huffman Coding Compression Algorithm
- Construct a Cartesian tree from an inorder traversal
- Calculate the height of a binary tree with leaf nodes forming a circular doubly linked list
- Link nodes present in each level of a binary tree in the form of a linked list
- Convert a ternary tree to a doubly-linked list
- Extract leaves of a binary tree into a doubly-linked list
- Find the vertical sum of a binary tree
- In-place convert a binary tree to a doubly-linked list
- Check whether the leaf traversal of given binary trees is the same or not
- Efficiently print all nodes between two given levels in a binary tree
- Calculate the height of a binary tree
- Delete a binary tree
- Level order traversal of a binary tree
- Spiral order traversal of a binary tree
- Reverse level order traversal of a binary tree
- Print all nodes of a perfect binary tree in a specific order
- Print left view of a binary tree
- Find the next node at the same level as the given node in a binary tree
- Check if a binary tree is a complete binary tree or not
- Print diagonal traversal of a binary tree
- Print corner nodes of every level in a binary tree
- Invert Binary Tree
- Convert a binary tree into a doubly-linked list in spiral order
- Check if a binary tree is a min-heap or not
- Invert alternate levels of a perfect binary tree
- Perform vertical traversal of a binary tree
- Compute the maximum number of nodes at any level in a binary tree
- Print right view of a binary tree
- Find the minimum depth of a binary tree
- Depth-First Search (DFS) vs Breadth-First Search (BFS)
- Print nodes of a binary tree in vertical order
After solving all the above Binary Trees related coding problem , you will master the Binary tree Data Structure and will definitely ace your coding interview!