Time Conversion | HackerRank Solution

Hello coders, today we are going to solve Time Conversion HackerRank Solution which is a Part of HackerRank Algorithm Series.

Time Conversion


Given a time in 12-hour AM/PM format, convert it to military (24-hour) time.

Note: – 12:00:00AM on a 12-hour clock is 00:00:00 on a 24-hour clock.
– 12:00:00PM on a 12-hour clock is 12:00:00 on a 24-hour clock.


  • s = ’12:01:00PM’
    Return ’12:01:00′.
  • s = ’12:01:00AM’
    Return ’00:01:00′.

Function Description

Complete the timeConversion function in the editor below. It should return a new string representing the input time in 24 hour format.

timeConversion has the following parameter(s):

  • string s: a time in 12 hour format


  • string: the time in 24 hour format

Input Format

A single string s that represents a time in 12-hour clock format (i.e.: hh:mm:ssAM or hh:mm:ssPM).


  • All input times are valid

Sample Input 0


Sample Output 0


Solution – Time Conversion



using namespace std;

int main() {
    string s;
    cin >> s;

    int n = s.length();
    int hh, mm, ss;
    hh = (s[0] - '0') * 10 + (s[1] - '0');
    mm = (s[3] - '0') * 10 + (s[4] - '0');
    ss = (s[6] - '0') * 10 + (s[7] - '0');

    if (hh < 12 && s[8] == 'P') hh += 12;
    if (hh == 12 && s[8] == 'A') hh = 0;

    printf("%02d:%02d:%02d\n", hh, mm, ss);

    return 0;


import os
import sys

def timeConversion(s):
    time = s.split(":")
    if s[-2:] == "PM":
        if time[0] != "12":
            time[0] = str(int(time[0])+12)
        if time[0] == "12":
            time[0] = "00"
    ntime = ':'.join(time)
    return str(ntime[:-2])
if __name__ == '__main__':
    f = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')

    s = input()

    result = timeConversion(s)

    f.write(result + '\n')


Disclaimer: The above Problem (Time Conversion) is generated by Hacker Rank but the Solution is Provided by CodingBroz. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning Purpose.

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