In this post, we will solve Sequence full of colors HackerRank Solution. This problem (Sequence full of colors) is a part of HackerRank Functional Programming series.
You are given a sequence of N balls in 4 colors: red, green, yellow and blue. The sequence is full of colors if and only if all of the following conditions are true:
- There are as many red balls as green balls.
- There are as many yellow balls as blue balls.
- Difference between the number of red balls and green balls in every prefix of the sequence is at most 1.
- Difference between the number of yellow balls and blue balls in every prefix of the sequence is at most 1.
Your task is to write a program, which for a given sequence prints True
if it is full of colors, otherwise it prints False
In the first line there is one number T denoting the number of tests cases.
T lines follow. In each of them there is a sequence of letters {R, G, Y, B} denoting the input sequence (R – red, G– green, Y– yellow, B – blue).
For each test case, print True
if this is a sequence full of colors, otherwise print False
- 1 <= T <= 10
- Sequence will only consists of letters {R, G, Y, B}.
- Sum of length of all sequences will not exceed 106.
Sample Input
Sample Output
In the first two test cases, all four conditions are satisfied.
In the third test case, condition #1 fails as there are more red balls than green balls and condition #3 also fails for prefix “RYR” as the difference between the number of red and green balls is more than 1. In the fourth test, for a prefix “YGYG” condition 4th fails.
Solution – Sequence full of colors – HackerRank Solution
import java.util.Scanner object Solution { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val sc = new Scanner( val t = sc.nextInt sc.nextLine val colors = "RGYB" (0 until t).foreach(_ => { val s = sc.nextLine val counts = => c -> s.count(_ == c)).toMap println(if (counts('R') == counts('G') && counts('Y') == counts('B') && prefix(s.toList, 'R', 'G') && prefix(s.toList, 'R', 'G')) "True" else "False") }) sc.close() } def prefix(s: List[Char], c0: Char, c1: Char): Boolean = { @scala.annotation.tailrec def inner(s: List[Char], delta: Int): Boolean = s match { case Nil => true case x :: xs => val nextDelta = delta + (x match { case `c0` => -1 case `c1` => 1 case _ => 0 }) math.abs(nextDelta) <= 1 && inner(xs, nextDelta) } inner(s, 0) } }
Note: This problem (Sequence full of colors) is generated by HackerRank but the solution is provided by CodingBroz. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purpose.