In this post, we will learn how to find the largest number in a list using Python Programming language.
For example: If the entered list is [7, 15, 12, 24, 38], then this program will find the largest number in the list which is 38 for this case.
We will find the largest number in a list using the following approaches:
- Using sort() function
- Using max() function
- With User Input
So, without further ado, let’s begin this tutorial.
Python Program to Find Largest Number in a List
# Python Program to Find Largest Number in a List a = [12, 17, 20, 24, 15] # Sorting the list a.sort() # Finding largest number largest = a[-1] # Displaying output print("Largest Element in the list is: ", largest)
Largest Element in the list is: 24
How Does This Program Work ?
a = [12, 17, 20, 24, 15]
In this program, we defined a list having 5 elements.
Then, we sort the list using the sort() function. After this, the elements of the list get arranged in the ascending order.
largest = a[-1]
After sorting the elements, then clearly the last element will be the largest number. The largest number of the list gets stored in the largest named variable.
# Displaying output print("Largest Element in the list is: ", largest)
Finally, the largest number in the list is displayed on the screen using print() function.
Python Program to Find the Largest Number in a List Using max() function
# Python Program to Find the Largest Number in a List Using max() function a = [8, 16, 5, 24, 48, 31] # Finding the largest element largest = max(a) # Displaying output print("Largest number in a list is: ", largest)
Largest number in a list is: 48
Python Program to Find Largest Number in a List With User Input
# Python Program to Find the Largest Element in a List With User Input a = [] # Asking for input n = int(input("Enter total no. of elements: ")) for i in range(n): num = int(input("Enter the element: ")) a.append(num) # Sorting the list a.sort() # Finding the largest element largest = a[n - 1] # Displaying the output print("Largest element in the list is: ", largest)
Enter total no. of elements: 6
Enter the element: 11
Enter the element: 72
Enter the element: 48
Enter the element: 29
Enter the element: 44
Enter the element: 53
Largest element in the list is: 72
I hope after going through this post, you understand how to find the largest number in a list using Python Programming language.
If you have any doubt regarding the program, feel free to contact us in the comment section. We will be delighted to help you.
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