In this post, we are going to solve the 9. Palindrome Number problem of Leetcode. This problem 9. Palindrome Number is a Leetcode easy level problem. Let’s see code, 9. Palindrome Number – Leetcode Solution.
Given an integer x
, return true
if x
is palindrome integer.
An integer is a palindrome when it reads the same backward as forward.
- For example,
is a palindrome while123
is not.
Example 1 :
Input: x = 121
Output: true
Explanation: 121 reads as 121 from left to right and from right to left.
Example 2 :
Input: x = -121
Output: false
Explanation: From left to right, it reads -121. From right to left, it becomes 121-. Therefore it is not a palindrome.
Example 3 :
Input: x = 10
Output: false
Explanation: Reads 01 from right to left. Therefore it is not a palindrome.
-231 <= x <= 231 - 1
Now, let’s see the code of 9. Palindrome Number – Leetcode Solution.
Palindrome Number – Leetcode Solution
9. Palindrome Number – Solution in Java
class Solution { public boolean isPalindrome(int x) { int org = x; int rev = 0; while(org > 0){ int unit = org%10; rev = 10*rev+unit; org/=10; } return rev == x; } }
9. Palindrome Number – Solution in C++
class Solution { public: bool isPalindrome(int x) { int org = x; int rev = 0; while(org > 0){ int unit = org%10; rev = 10*rev+unit; org/=10; } return rev == x; } };
9. Palindrome Number – Solution in Python
class Solution: def isPalindrome(self, x: int) -> bool: x = str(x) if x == x[::-1]: return True else: return False
Note: This problem 9. Palindrome Number is generated by Leetcode but the solution is provided by CodingBroz. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purpose.