Matching Anything But a Newline – HackerRank Solution

In this post, we will solve Matching Anything But a Newline HackerRank Solution. This problem (Matching Anything But a Newline) is a part of HackerRank Regex Series.



The dot (.) matches anything (except for a newline).

Note: If you want to match (.) in the test string, you need to escape the dot by using a slash \..
In Java, use \\. instead of \..


You have a test string S.
Your task is to write a regular expression that matches only and exactly strings of form: abc.def.ghi.jkx, where each variable a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, x can be any single character except the newline.


This is a regex only challenge. You are not required to write any code.
You only have to fill in the regex pattern in the blank (_________).

Solution – Matching Anything But a Newline – HackerRank Solution


regex_pattern = r"^...\....\....\....$"    # Do not delete 'r'.

import re
import sys

test_string = input()

match = re.match(regex_pattern, test_string) is not None


Note: This problem (Matching Anything But a Newline) is generated by HackerRank but the solution is provided by CodingBroz. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purpose.

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