In this post, we will solve Letter Islands HackerRank Solution. This problem (Letter Islands) is a part of HackerRank Problem Solving series.
Solution – Letter Islands – HackerRank Solution
from collections import defaultdict class LetterIslands: def __init__(self): self.s = 0 self.k = 0 self.n = 0 self.result = 0 def get_indice(self): cache = defaultdict(list) for (idx,let) in enumerate(self.s): cache[let].append(idx) for (key,val) in cache.items(): l = len(val) if l < self.k: continue else: for i in range(len(val)-1): if val[i+1] - val[i] <= 1: l -= 1 if l == self.k: self.result += 1 return cache def get_result(self): for (let, pos) in self.get_indice().items(): len_ = 1 arr = [[let, pos]] while len(arr) > 0: dict_ = defaultdict(list) temp = [] for t in arr: for indice in t[1]: try: dict_[t[0] + self.s[indice + len_]].append(indice) except: pass len_ = len_+1 for (key,val) in dict_.items(): l = len(val) if l < self.k: continue else: i = 0 lenVal = len(val) while l >= self.k and i < lenVal-1: if val[i+1] - val[i] <= len_: l -= 1 i += 1 if l == self.k: self.result += 1 if l >= self.k - 1: temp.append([key,val]) arr = temp return (self.result) def debug(self): try: self.solve() print(self.result) except: pass def solve(self): self._input() self.get_result() def _input(self): self.s = input() self.k = int(input()) self.n = len(self.s) if __name__ == "__main__": LetterIslands().debug()
import*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; import java.math.*; import java.util.regex.*; public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { /* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT. Your class should be named Solution. */ Scanner in = new Scanner(; if(in.hasNext()){ final char[] str =; if(str.length>0 && in.hasNext()){ int k = in.nextInt(); if(k>0 && k<=str.length){ System.out.println((new FoundSubStrings(str, k)).count()); } } } } static class FoundSubStrings { private final char[] str; private final int k; private Map<Long, SubString> curr; private Map<Long, SubString> next; private SubString previousSub=null; private int previousSubParentStartIndex = -1; private int previousSubLen = -1; public FoundSubStrings(char[] str, int k) { this.str = str; this.k = k; curr = new HashMap<>(str.length>32 ? str.length>>1 : str.length); next = new HashMap<>(str.length>32 ? str.length>>1 : str.length); } public long count(){ long countResult = 0; int startIndex; char lastChar = str[0]; int lastCharCount = 0; for(int i=0; i<=str.length; i++){ if(i==str.length || lastChar!=str[i]){ if(lastCharCount>1){ for(int j=i-lastCharCount; j<i-1; j++){ this.add(j, lastChar, i-j); } } this.add(i-1, lastChar); if(i!=str.length){ lastChar = str[i]; lastCharCount = 1; } } else { lastCharCount++; } } this.switchLists(); while(!curr.isEmpty()){ for(SubString subStr : curr.values()){ if(subStr.islands==k){ countResult++; if(k==1 && subStr.size==1){ countResult+=str.length-subStr.startIndex-subStr.len; continue; } } else if(subStr.size<k){ continue; } for(int i=0; i<subStr.size && ((startIndex=subStr.indexes[i])<(str.length-subStr.len)); i++){ this.add(subStr.startIndex, startIndex, str[startIndex+subStr.len], subStr.len+1, subStr.size); } } this.switchLists(); } return countResult; } private void add(int parentStartIndex, int startIndex, char chr, int len, int childsLength){ if(previousSubParentStartIndex!=parentStartIndex || previousSubLen!=len || previousSub.chr!=chr){ long key = getKey(parentStartIndex, len, chr); previousSub = next.get(key); if(previousSub==null){ previousSub = new SubString(parentStartIndex, startIndex, chr, len, childsLength); next.put(key, previousSub); } previousSubParentStartIndex = previousSub.parentStartIndex; previousSubLen = len; } previousSub.addIndex(startIndex); } private void add(int startIndex, char chr, int len){ long key = getKey(len, chr); SubString sub = next.get(key); if(sub==null){ sub = new SubString(startIndex, chr, len); next.put(key, sub); } sub.addIndex(startIndex); } private void add(int startIndex, char chr){ if(previousSub==null || previousSubLen!=1 || previousSub.chr!=chr){ long key = getKey(chr); previousSub = next.get(key); if(previousSub==null){ previousSub = new SubString(startIndex, chr, 1); next.put(key, previousSub); } previousSubLen = 1; } previousSub.addIndex(startIndex); } private void switchLists(){ previousSubParentStartIndex = -1; previousSub = null; Map<Long, SubString> tmp = curr; curr = next; next = tmp; tmp.clear(); } public static long getKey(int parentStartIndex, int length, char chr){ return (((long)parentStartIndex) | ((long)length<<31) | ((long)chr)<<23); } public static long getKey(int length, char chr){ return (((long)length<<31) | (((long)chr)<<23)); } public static long getKey(char chr){ return (((long)chr)<<23); } class SubString implements Comparable<SubString> { private final int parentStartIndex; private final int len; private final char chr; private int startIndex; private int islands = 0; private int[] indexes; private int size = 0; public SubString(int startIndex, char chr, int length) { this(-1, startIndex, chr, length, 16); } public SubString(int startIndex, char chr, int length, int childsLength) { this(-1, startIndex, chr, length, childsLength); } public SubString(int parentStartIndex, int startIndex, char chr, int length, int childsLength) { this.parentStartIndex = parentStartIndex; this.startIndex = startIndex; this.len = length; this.chr = chr; this.indexes = new int[childsLength>16? 16: childsLength+1]; } public void addIndex(int index){ if(size==0 || (indexes[size-1]+len<index)){ islands++; } if(indexes.length==size+1){ int[] tmpArr = new int[indexes.length<<1]; System.arraycopy(indexes, 0, tmpArr, 0, indexes.length); indexes = tmpArr; } indexes[size++] = index; } @Override public int compareTo(SubString o) { return (this.parentStartIndex==o.parentStartIndex) ? chr - o.chr : this.parentStartIndex - o.parentStartIndex; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); sb.append("SubString{startIndex=").append(startIndex).append(", length=") .append(len).append(", islands=") .append(islands).append(", numberOfIndexes=") .append(size).append(", arr="); for(int i=startIndex; i<startIndex+len; i++){ sb.append(str[i]).append(','); } sb.setCharAt(sb.length()-1,'}'); return sb.toString(); } } } }
Note: This problem (Letter Islands) is generated by HackerRank but the solution is provided by CodingBroz. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purpose.