Lakh to Million Converter

Lakh to Million Conversion Calculator

Lakh to Million Conversion Calculator is an easy to use online calculator which helps you to convert values in lakh to equivalent values in millions.

Enter the value in lakhs in the first input field, then click on the ‘Convert’ button. After that, this tool will automatically evaluate and display the equivalent value in millions.

Lakh Definition

A lakh is a unit in the Indian numbering system equal to one hundred thousand in the International numbering system. One lakh is written as 1,00,000 with the local 2, 2, and 3 styles of digit group separators.

Lakh is abbreviated as ‘L’ or ‘lac’. The scientific notation of one lakh is 1 x 105. Lakh is widely used in south asian countries like India, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.

Million Definition

A million is a unit in the International numbering system equal to 10 lakhs in the Indian numbering system. One million is written as 1,000,000.

Million is often abbreviated as ‘M’ or ‘m’. The scientific notation of one million is 1 x 106. Million is mostly used in first-world countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.

How to Convert Lakh to Million?

One million is equal to 10 lakhs. This can also be written as 1 Lakh = 0.1 Million. Therefore, to convert values in lakhs to values in millions, you need to divide the lakh value by 10.


  • M represents the number in Millions
  • L represents the number in Lakhs


Example 1: Convert 10 lakh to million.

Number in Lakhs = 10 lac

To convert the number into millions, we will use the lakh to million conversion formula:

Million = L/10 = 10/10 = 1

Therefore, 10 Lakh is equal to 1 Million.

Example 2: Convert 20 lakh to million.

Number in lakhs = 20

To convert lakhs to millions, divide the number in lakhs by 10:

Million = L/10 = 20/10 = 2

Therefore, 20 Lakh is equal to 2 Million.

Example 3: Convert 12 lakh to million.

Number in lakhs = 12

Using the lakh to million conversion formula, we’ll get:

Million = L/10 = 12/10 = 1.2

Therefore, 12 lakh is equal to 1.2 million.

Lakh to Million Conversion table

1 L0.1 M
2 L0.2 M
3 L0.3 M
4 L0.4 M
5 L0.5 M
6 L0.6 M
7 L0.7 M
8 L0.8 M
9 L0.9 M
10 L1 M
11 L1.1 M
12 L1.2 M
13 L1.3 M
14 L1.4 M
15 L1.5 M
16 L1.6 M
17 L1.7 M
18 L1.8 M
19 L1.9 M
20 L2 M
21 L2.1 M
22 L2.2 M
23 L2.3 M
24 L2.4 M
25 L2.5 M