Kotlin Program to Swap Two Numbers

In this program, we will learn to code the Kotlin Program to Swap Two Numbers. Let’s understand How to Swap Two Numbers using Kotlin Programming Language.

Writing a Number Swapping Program in Kotlin Programming language is good for logic building. You get to know different aspects of logic building and how to implement them in your program to get the desired output.

Kotlin Program to Swap Two Numbers

Method 1 : using third variable

// Kotlin Program to Swap Two Numbers 
// Method 1 : using third variable
  fun main() {
      var num1 = 18
      var num2 = 7
      //Numbers before Swapping
      println("Before Swapping =>")
      println("first number is $num1")
      println("second number is $num2")
      //Swapping number
	  var temp = num1
      num1 = num2
      num2 = temp
      //Numbers after Swapping
	  println("After Swapping =>")
      println("first number is $num1")
      println("second number is $num2")



Before Swapping =>
first number is 18
second number is 7


After Swapping =>
first number is 7
second number is 18

How Does This Program Work?

      //Swapping number
      var temp = num1
      num1 = num2
      num2 = temp

In the above code, the temp variable is assigned the value of num1. Then, the value of num2 is assigned to the num1. And finally, the temp variable( which holds the value of num1) is assigned to num2

For example,
num1 = 10 and num2 = 20
then we do, temp = num1 i.e. temp = 10
then, num1 = num2 i.e. num1 = 20 (now)
then, num1 = temp i.e. num1 = 10
Here, we don’t assign the value of num1 to num2 because the value of num1 has been changed to that of num2 that’s why we need a temp variable to store the value of num1 variable so that the value doesn’t get lost.

Now, let’s see the Kotlin Program to swap two numbers without using any third variable (temp)

Kotlin Program to Swap Two Numbers 2

Method 2 : without using any third variable

// Kotlin Program to Swap Two Numbers 
// Method 1 : using third variable
  fun main() {
      var num1 = 18
      var num2 = 7
      //Numbers before Swapping
      println("Before Swapping =>")
      println("first number is $num1")
      println("second number is $num2")
          //Swapping number
          num1 = num1 + num2
          num2 = num1 - num2
          num1 = num1 - num2
      //Numbers after Swapping
	  println("After Swapping =>")
      println("first number is $num1")
      println("second number is $num2")



Before Swapping =>
first number is 18
second number is 7


After Swapping =>
first number is 7
second number is 18

How Does This Program Work?

          //Swapping number
          num1 = num1 + num2
          num2 = num1 - num2
          num1 = num1 - num2

In the above logic, we have used a basic arithmetic calculation to swap the numbers.
Let’s see that using an example will make it easy to understand the logic.

Suppose, a = 10 and b = 20
a = a + b = 10 + 20 = 30
b = a – b = 30 – 20 = 10
a = a – b = 30 – 10 = 20
Hence, the values are swapped with each other.


I hope after going through this post, you understand how to code Kotlin Program to Swap Two Numbers using 2 different methods. We swapped the number with both using the third variable and without using the third variable.
If you have any doubt regarding the topic, feel free to contact us in the Comment Section. We will be delighted to help you.

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