Hello Coders! Welcome to codingbroz and our Data Structures and algorithm interview series.
Today, we are going to see an interesting problem commonly asked in coding interviews is How to implement a stack using linked list ? We will also implement the code in Java as well as C++ programming language.
Problem :
The problem statement says that, you have to implement a stack using linked list.
You have to implement the LIFO property of stack using the linked list data structure.
You have to implement the following functions using a linked list which follows the LIFO property of stack :
- push() : This function should accept data in LIFO manner.
- pop() : This function should return and remove data in LIFO manner.
- peek() : This function should return the data in LIFO manner.
Also Read : How to implement a queue using linked list – Java & C++
Solution – How to implement a stack using linked list
// Java program to Implement a stack // using singly linked list // import package import static java.lang.System.exit; // Create Stack Using Linked list class StackUsingLinkedlist { // A linked list node private class Node { int data; // integer data Node link; // reference variable Node type } // create global top reference variable global Node top; // Constructor StackUsingLinkedlist() { this.top = null; } // Utility function to add an element x in the stack public void push(int x) // insert at the beginning { // create new node temp and allocate memory Node temp = new Node(); // check if stack (heap) is full. Then inserting an // element would lead to stack overflow if (temp == null) { System.out.print("\nHeap Overflow"); return; } // initialize data into temp data field temp.data = x; // put top reference into temp link temp.link = top; // update top reference top = temp; } // Utility function to check if the stack is empty or not public boolean isEmpty() { return top == null; } // Utility function to return top element in a stack public int peek() { // check for empty stack if (!isEmpty()) { return top.data; } else { System.out.println("Stack is empty"); return -1; } } // Utility function to pop top element from the stack public void pop() // remove at the beginning { // check for stack underflow if (top == null) { System.out.print("\nStack Underflow"); return; } // update the top pointer to point to the next node top = (top).link; } public void display() { // check for stack underflow if (top == null) { System.out.printf("\nStack Underflow"); exit(1); } else { Node temp = top; while (temp != null) { // print node data System.out.printf("%d->", temp.data); // assign temp link to temp temp = temp.link; } } } } // main class public class CB { public static void main(String[] args) { // create Object of Implementing class StackUsingLinkedlist obj = new StackUsingLinkedlist(); // insert Stack value obj.push(11); obj.push(22); obj.push(33); obj.push(44); // print Stack elements obj.display(); // print Top element of Stack System.out.printf("\nTop element is %d\n", obj.peek()); // Delete top element of Stack obj.pop(); obj.pop(); // print Stack elements obj.display(); // print Top element of Stack System.out.printf("\nTop element is %d\n", obj.peek()); } }
// C++ program to Implement a stack //using singly linked list #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Declare linked list node struct Node { int data; struct Node* link; }; struct Node* top; // Utility function to add an element // data in the stack insert at the beginning void push(int data) { // Create new node temp and allocate memory struct Node* temp; temp = new Node(); // Check if stack (heap) is full. // Then inserting an element would // lead to stack overflow if (!temp) { cout << "\nHeap Overflow"; exit(1); } // Initialize data into temp data field temp->data = data; // Put top pointer reference into temp link temp->link = top; // Make temp as top of Stack top = temp; } // Utility function to check if // the stack is empty or not int isEmpty() { return top == NULL; } // Utility function to return top element in a stack int peek() { // Check for empty stack if (!isEmpty()) return top->data; else exit(1); } // Utility function to pop top // element from the stack void pop() { struct Node* temp; // Check for stack underflow if (top == NULL) { cout << "\nStack Underflow" << endl; exit(1); } else { // Top assign into temp temp = top; // Assign second node to top top = top->link; // Destroy connection between // first and second temp->link = NULL; // Release memory of top node free(temp); } } // Function to print all the // elements of the stack void display() { struct Node* temp; // Check for stack underflow if (top == NULL) { cout << "\nStack Underflow"; exit(1); } else { temp = top; while (temp != NULL) { // Print node data cout << temp->data << "-> "; // Assign temp link to temp temp = temp->link; } } } // Driver Code int main() { // Push the elements of stack push(11); push(22); push(33); push(44); // Display stack elements display(); // Print top element of stack cout << "\nTop element is " << peek() << endl; // Delete top elements of stack pop(); pop(); // Display stack elements display(); // Print top element of stack cout << "\nTop element is " << peek() << endl; return 0; }
More Problems related to Linked List –
- How to find middle in a LinkedList ?
- How to implement queue data structure using linked list ?
- How to find the k-th element from the end in a given linked list ?