Protecting your Website from Hackers and spammers is a very tough issue for new bloggers, especially if you are new in the blogging domain.
When I started my blogging journey I was also facing several security issues and was always worried about my website protection.

But After some time I got to know we can change our Admin URL Login page in WordPress and that for free. I implemented that method on my blog and BINGO. . . the spamming login attempts were reduced down to Zero.
Earlier I always used to get Several brutal force login attempts in my WordPress blog but after setting up a Custom Admin URL Login Page my worries went away.
Today I am going to Share the exact method which I implemented on my blog. In this article, we will show you how to change the admin URL login page in WordPress.
So, without further delay, let’s learn about some useful methods by which we can change the WordPress login URL.
What is the WordPress Login URL
WordPress Admin Login URL is the login page through which you can enter into WordPress Dashboard and customize all the settings of your Blog.
It is one of the most important parts of your WordPress Blog. So, it is very crucial to learn about Admin Page in detail.
This will make your blogging journey a lot more easier.
Why One Should Change WordPress Admin Login URL
As all of us know, wp-login or wp-admin is the default admin login URL to get to our WordPress dashboard. When I say “all of us” I mean it all of us ( including hackers also ).
Hackers use a combination of different usernames and passwords to get to your dashboard to take full control of your blog.
To prevent this Brute force Attack, one is advised to change his default Wp-Admin Login URL.
If hackers can not access your login page, then they can neither be able to brute force on your blog.
Thus, this reduces the chances of your blog getting hacked and improves your WordPress security. So, it is highly recommended to change your WordPress Admin Login URL as soon as possible.
How To Change WP Admin URL Login
Well, there are several ways of doing this, you can either change it manually by getting into your database files or simply by using a Plugin.
We are going to tell you both of the methods, you are free to use whichever you find easy (actually speaking you should go for automatic one).
WPS Hide Login Plugin [Automatic Method – Recommended]
For an automatic method You have to install a plugin. In this tutorial we are going to use WPS Hide Login.With over 800,000 Active installations it is one of the best free plugins available to change the WP login URL.
To install this plugin, simply follow these steps:
- Login to your wordPress Blog and go on Plugins tabs.
- Click on Add new section and search “WPS Hide Login”.
- Install and Activate the Plugin.
Now you have installed the plugin, it is now the time to setup your plugin and change your admin login URL.
To Setup WPS Hide Login and Change Admin URL follow these Steps:
- Go to the WPS Hide login tab available in the Settings menu.
- Under the WPS Hide login Area you will find the Login URL box, fill your desired URL which you want to use instead of wp-admin. For e.g. you can change it to sky-high then it will look something like this
- You can also set the redirection page which you want to show to other people or hackers when they try to access your login page. For e.g.
- Now Click on Save changes and you are done.
Your WP Admin Login has been changed now. Try to access your admin page by wp-admin, you will be redirected to 404 Page.
Features of WPS Hide Login
- It is a very light weight plugin.
- It is Completely Free.
- Disabling this plugin will bring back your default wp-admin login URL.
- It does not change or overwrite any of your database files.
Manual Method Without using any Plugin
You can also change your WP-Admin URL without using any plugin, but this is a little bit complicated process and if you don’t have any prior coding knowledge this method is highly not recommended.
But if you are determined that you are not going to use any of the plugins no matter what then read on. I have described the steps below. [May god gives you the strength to do this process :(]
- Login to your CPanel, go to file manager and then public_html and download “wp-login.php” file.
- Now open your wp-admin.php file and find and replace all wp-login with your desired URL for e.g. I am using sky-high and save the file. Rename this new file as per your desire for e.g. sky-high.php.
- Go to your administrative area and upload this new sky-high.php file and delete the old wp-login.php file.
Now you are all set you can access your admin page by your new URL and the default WP-login or WP-Admin URL will redirect to 404 not found page.
NOTE: To get into your directories of files, read your respective hosting services documentations.
FAQ – Frequently Asked Question
Que. Should we change our WP login URL?
Ans. ofcourse, Yes.
Que. Best WordPress Plugin to Change login Page?
Ans. WPS Hide Login
Que. Can we change the Admin URL for free?
Ans. Yes, as described above.
Que. Which method is Best by using plugin or without plugin?
Ans. Using Plugin is the best Method to change your WP-Admin login as it saves a lot of your time and effort.
So, coderz I hope you have learned how to change the WP-Admin Login URL page. Now you can get rid of spamming login attempts.
If you have any doubt regarding the tutorial, feel free to Contact in the Comment Section, we would be delighted to help you.
If you find the tutorial helpful, don’t forget to share this with your family and friends because Together we’ll Rise, Together we’ll Shine.
We will meet you next time with a new astonishing WordPress tutorial, till then Stay Safe, Stay Blessed.
Broz Who Code !!