Hello coders, today we are going to solve Finding Square Roots Codechef Solution whose Problem code is FSQRT.
In olden days finding square roots seemed to be difficult but nowadays it can be easily done using in-built functions available across many languages .
Assume that you happen to hear the above words and you want to give a try in finding the square root of any given integer using in-built functions. So here’s your chance.
The first line of the input contains an integer T, the number of test cases. T lines follow. Each line contains an integer N whose square root needs to be computed.
For each line of the input, output the square root of the input integer, rounded down to the nearest integer, in a new line.
- 1 <= T <= 20
- 1 <= N <= 10000
3 10 5 10000
3 2 100
Solution – Finding Square Roots – CodeChef Solution
Python 3
#Solution Provided by CodingBroz T = int(input()) while T > 0: n = int(input()) sqrt = n ** 0.5 sqrt_root = round(sqrt) print(sqrt_root) T = T - 1
Disclaimer: The above Problem (Finding Square Roots) is generated by CodeChef but the Solution is provided by CodingBroz. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purpose.