In this post, we will solve Evaluating e^x HackerRank Solution. This problem (Evaluating e^x) is a part of HackerRank Functional Programming language.
The series expansion of ex is given by:
1 + x + x2/2! + x3/3! + x4/4! + . . . . . .
Evaluate ex for given values of by using the above expansion for the first 10 terms.
Input Format
The first line contains an integer N, the number of test cases.
N lines follow. Each line contains a value of x for which you need to output the value of ex using the above series expansion. These input values have exactly 4 decimal places each.
Output Format
Output N lines, each containing the value of ex, computed by your program.
- 1 <= N <= 50
- -20.00 <= x <= 20.00
- Var, Val in Scala and def and defn in Clojure are blocked keywords. The challenge is to accomplish this without either mutable state or direct declaration of local variables.
Sample Input
Sample Output
The output has the computed values of ex corresponding to each test case. They are correct up to 4 decimal places and on separate lines.
All test cases carry an equal weight in the final score. For your solution to pass a given test case, all the values of ex computed by you must be within +/-0.1 of the expected answers. This tolerance level has been kept to account for slightly different answers across different languages.
Solution – Evaluating e^x – HackerRank Solution
import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import System.IO eee :: Double -> Double -> Double eee 1 x = x + 1 eee n x = ((x**n) / (product [1..n])) + (eee (n-1) x) main :: IO () main = do n_temp <- getLine let n = read n_temp :: Int forM_ [1..n] $ \a0 -> do x_temp <- getLine let x = read x_temp :: Double print (eee 9 x) getMultipleLines :: Int -> IO [String] getMultipleLines n | n <= 0 = return [] | otherwise = do x <- getLine xs <- getMultipleLines (n-1) let ret = (x:xs) return ret
Note: This problem (Evaluating e^x) is generated by HackerRank but the solution is provided by CodingBroz. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purpose.