Estimate the Product Calculator

Estimate the Product Calculator

Estimate the product calculator is an online math tool, which helps you to find the estimated product of two numbers within seconds.

What is an Estimate Product?

In mathematics, many times we want an approximate answer rather than an exact answer. In such kind of scenarios, we estimate the calculations to find the rough and approximate answer quickly.

To estimate the product, we first round off the multiplier and the multiplicand to their nearest tens, hundreds, or thousand places and then we multiply the rounded numbers to get the estimated product.

For example, to find the estimated product of 12 and 13, we will first round off both the numbers to their nearest tens place and then multiply the number.

Estimate Product = 10 (after rounding off) X 10 (after rounding off) => 10 X 10 => 100.

Therefore, the estimated product of 12 and 13 is 100.

How to Calculate the Estimate Product?

To calculate the estimated product of two numbers, follow these steps:

1. First, round off the multiplier and the multiplicand to their nearest tens, hundreds, or thousand places.

2. Now, multiply the round-off numbers.

3. The result obtained is the estimated product of two numbers.

Example 1: Find the estimated product of 13 and 17.

Let a = 13 and b = 17.

After rounding off both the numbers, we get:

a = 10 and b = 20

Now, Estimate Product = a x b => 10 x 20 => 200

Thus, the estimated product of 13 and 17 is 200.