In this post, we will solve Down With Abstractions HackerRank Solution. This problem (Down With Abstractions) is a part of HackerRank Functional Programming series.
Lambda calculus is a model of computation based on nothing but anonymous functions. Despite being one of the simplest and most elegant such models, it is perceived as a little too complicated by some. After all, it has function abstraction and variables! Combinatory logic, developed by Schonfinkel and Curry, is an equivalent model of computation that uses nothing but function application and a very small set of pre-defined combinators. Moreover, expressions of lambda calculus can be mechanically transformed to equivalent expressions in combinatory logic using a simple algorithm. Your task is to implement this algorithm.
We will use the following combinators for the language of resulting combinatory logic expressions:
K = (\x y. x)
K is a constant function generator. Given some x, it evaluates to a function that evaluates to x for all inputs.
S = (\x y z. ((x z) (y z)))
S is a substitution function.
Note that S and K alone form a Turing-complete model of computation. But for convenience we will use three other combinators as well.
I = (\x. x)
Identity function. Extensionally equivalent to SKK.
B = (\x y z. (x (y z)))
B is function composition, aka “dot“. Extensionally equivalent to S(KS)K.
C = (\x y z. ((x z) y))
C returns a given binary function with its two parameters flipped. Extensionally equivalent to S(S(K(S(KS)K))S)(KK).
B and C are specializations of S.
Grammar for lambda calculus expressions
We will use a variant of lambda expression syntax for our inputs. The differences from the standard notation are as follows:
- Lowercase lambda in lambda expressions is represented by a backslash (‘
‘). - Function applications must be parenthesized.
- Lambda expressions must be parenthesized.
- Lambda expressions are extended to easily formulate functions of arbitrary arity (in fully curried form).
(\x y z. ((z y) x))
is equivalent to(\x. (\y. (\z. ((z y) x))))
Variable names are represented by arbitrary non-empty sequences of Latin upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and underscores. Other tokens are ‘(
‘, ‘)
‘, ‘\
‘ and ‘.
‘. Tokens may be separated by arbitrary amount of whitespace without changing the meaning. Whitespace is required in some contexts, as described below.
EXP = '(' EXP ' ' EXP ')'
EXP = '(' '\' VARLIST '.' EXP ')'
VARLIST0 = eps
Abstraction elimination algorithm
Use the version with rules for S, K, I, B, C at:
Apply eta-reduction wherever possible:
Eta-reduction removes unnecessary abstraction, making use of the fact that (\x. (E x))
is equivalent to E
Free variables in lambda calculus
Performing abstraction elimination requires determining the free variables of a given expression. In lambda calculus, a variable is free in an expression if it’s not a parameter in any of the enclosing lambda expressions. The opposite of a free variable is a bound variable. For example:
(\x. (z (\y. (y x)))
In this expression, z
is a free variable, while x
and y
are bound variables. If we consider just the following sub-expression:
(z (\y. (y x))
…then only y
is a bound variable in it. Both x
and z
are free variables in this expression.
First line contains number of test cases, 1 <= T <= 100. T lines follow. Each line contains a lambda expression. Lambda expressions in the test cases contain no free variables at the top level. This ensures that the equivalent combinatory logic expression can be written using nothing but the five combinators listed above.
Output T lines with equivalent representations of given lambda expressions in SKIBC-basis combinatory logic.
Sample Input
(\x. x)
(\test. (\ignored_1. test))
(\x. (\y. (y (\z. (\t. ((z (\x. x)) x))))))
Sample Output
When outputting the results, consider function application to be left-associative and do not output superfluous parentheses.
There are infinitely many combinatory logic expressions that are extensionally equivalent to a given lambda expression. Moreover, the problem of determining extensional equivalence is undecidable. To pass the test cases, use the algorithm as outlined on the linked page, using all five combinators, and performing eta-conversion whenever possible.
Solution – Down With Abstractions – HackerRank Solution
import java.util.Scanner trait Lexeme trait PrimaryLexeme extends Lexeme case object Backslash extends PrimaryLexeme case object Point extends PrimaryLexeme case object OpenRoundBracket extends PrimaryLexeme case object CloseRoundBracket extends PrimaryLexeme trait Body { def freeVariables: Set[String] = Set() } case class Variable(name: String) extends PrimaryLexeme with Body { override lazy val freeVariables: Set[String] = Set(name) } trait SecondaryLexeme extends Lexeme case class Lambda(name: String, body: Body) extends SecondaryLexeme with Body { override lazy val freeVariables: Set[String] = body.freeVariables - name } case class Application(e1: Body, e2: Body) extends SecondaryLexeme with Body { override lazy val freeVariables: Set[String] = e1.freeVariables ++ e2.freeVariables override def toString: String = e2 match { case _: Application => s"$e1($e2)" case _ => s"$e1$e2" } } case object Empty extends Body case object K extends Body case object I extends Body case object S extends Body case object C extends Body case object B extends Body case class T(body: Body) extends SecondaryLexeme with Body { def transform: Body = { val res = body match { //eta-reduction (if x is not free in E) case Lambda(x, Application(e, Variable(y))) if x == y && isNotFree(x, e) => T(e).transform //1 case v: Variable => v //2 case Application(e1, e2) => Application(T(e1).transform, T(e2).transform) //3. (if x is not free in E) case Lambda(x, e) if isNotFree(x, e) => Application(K, T(e).transform) //4 case Lambda(x, Variable(y)) if x == y => I //5. (if x is free in E) case Lambda(x, Lambda(y, e)) if isFree(x, e) => T(Lambda(x, T(Lambda(y, e)).transform)).transform //6. (if x is free in both E₁ and E₂) case Lambda(x, Application(e1, e2)) if isFree(x, e1) && isFree(x, e2) => Application(Application(S, T(Lambda(x, e1)).transform), T(Lambda(x, e2)).transform) //7. (if x is free in E₁ but not E₂) case Lambda(x, Application(e1, e2)) if isFree(x, e1) && isNotFree(x, e2) => Application(Application(C, T(Lambda(x, e1)).transform), T(e2).transform) //8. (if x is free in E₂ but not E₁) case Lambda(x, Application(e1, e2)) if isNotFree(x, e1) && isFree(x, e2) => Application(Application(B, T(e1).transform), T(Lambda(x, e2)).transform) case v => v } res } private def isFree(x: String, e: Body): Boolean = e.freeVariables.contains(x) private def isNotFree(x: String, e: Body): Boolean = !isFree(x, e) } object Expression { def findCloseBracket(lexemes: List[Lexeme], openBracket: Lexeme, closeBracket: Lexeme): (List[Lexeme], List[Lexeme]) = { case class Acc(lexemes: List[Lexeme] = Nil, bracketCount: Int = 1) @scala.annotation.tailrec def inner(lexemes: List[Lexeme], acc: Acc = Acc()): (List[Lexeme], List[Lexeme]) = { lexemes match { case (lex@'closeBracket') :: lexemes => if (acc.bracketCount == 1) (acc.lexemes.reverse, lexemes) else inner(lexemes, Acc(lex :: acc.lexemes, acc.bracketCount - 1)) case (lex@'openBracket') :: lexemes => inner(lexemes, Acc(lex :: acc.lexemes, acc.bracketCount + 1)) case lex :: lexemes => inner(lexemes, Acc(lex :: acc.lexemes, acc.bracketCount)) case Nil => throw new Exception("Wrong exception") } } inner(lexemes) } } object Solution { def curry(name: String, otherNames: List[String], body: Body): Lambda = otherNames match { case Nil => Lambda(name, body) case n :: ns => Lambda(name, curry(n, ns, body)) } def toLambda(lexemes: List[Lexeme]): Body = lexemes match { case Nil => Empty case (v: Variable) :: Nil => v case (v: Variable) :: rest => Application(v, toLambda(rest)) case OpenRoundBracket :: Backslash :: rest => val (bound, tempRest) = rest.span(_ != Point) val (part, nextRest) = findCloseBracket(tempRest.tail) val names = bound.collect { case Variable(name) => name } val lambda = curry(names.head, names.tail, toLambda(part)) if (nextRest.isEmpty) lambda else Application(lambda, toLambda(nextRest)) case OpenRoundBracket :: (v: Variable) :: rest => val (part, nextRest) = findCloseBracket(rest) if (part.isEmpty) v else { val app = Application(v, toLambda(part)) if (nextRest.isEmpty) app else Application(app, toLambda(nextRest)) } case OpenRoundBracket :: OpenRoundBracket :: rest => val (part, nextRest) = findCloseBracket(OpenRoundBracket :: rest) if (nextRest.isEmpty) toLambda(part) else Application(toLambda(part), toLambda(nextRest)) case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong expression") } def solve(s: String): Body = { def toLexemes: List[Lexeme] = { val lexemeNames = Map( "\\" -> Backslash, "." -> Point, "(" -> OpenRoundBracket, ")" -> CloseRoundBracket ) def parseLexeme(index: Int, predicate: Char => Boolean): (Int, String) = { @scala.annotation.tailrec def inner(index: Int, sb: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder): (Int, String) = if (index < s.length) { val c = s(index) if (predicate(c)) inner(index + 1, sb.append(c)) else (index, sb.toString()) } else (index, sb.toString()) inner(index) } case class State(index: Int = 0, acc: List[Lexeme] = Nil) @scala.annotation.tailrec def inner(state: State): State = if (state.index < s.length) { val c = s(state.index) val nextState = c match { case d: Char if d.isLetter => val (nextIndex, lexemeName) = parseLexeme(state.index, c => c.isLetterOrDigit || c == '_') val lexeme = lexemeNames.getOrElse(lexemeName, Variable(lexemeName)) State(nextIndex, lexeme :: state.acc) case d: Char if lexemeNames.contains(d.toString) => val lexeme = lexemeNames(d.toString) State(index = state.index + 1, lexeme :: state.acc) case _ => state.copy(index = state.index + 1) } inner(nextState) } else state inner(State()).acc } val lexemes = toLexemes.reverse val lambda = toLambda(lexemes) val res = T(lambda).transform res } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val sc = new Scanner( val t = sc.nextInt sc.nextLine (0 until t).foreach(_ => { val s = sc.nextLine println(solve(s)) }) } private def findCloseBracket(lexemes: List[Lexeme]): (List[Lexeme], List[Lexeme]) = { case class Acc(lexemes: List[Lexeme] = Nil, bracketCount: Int = 1) @scala.annotation.tailrec def inner(lexemes: List[Lexeme], acc: Acc = Acc()): (List[Lexeme], List[Lexeme]) = { lexemes match { case (lex@CloseRoundBracket) :: lexemes => if (acc.bracketCount == 1) (acc.lexemes.reverse, lexemes) else inner(lexemes, Acc(lex :: acc.lexemes, acc.bracketCount - 1)) case (lex@OpenRoundBracket) :: lexemes => inner(lexemes, Acc(lex :: acc.lexemes, acc.bracketCount + 1)) case lex :: lexemes => inner(lexemes, Acc(lex :: acc.lexemes, acc.bracketCount)) case Nil => throw new Exception("Wrong exception") } } inner(lexemes) } }
Note: This problem (Down With Abstractions) is generated by HackerRank but the solution is provided by CodingBroz. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purpose.