Complementary Angle Calculator
Complementary Angle Calculator
A complementary angle calculator is a simple yet powerful tool which helps you to calculate the complementary angle of the given angle in a fraction of a second.
This tool is extremely helpful if you are looking to calculate the complementary angle with more accuracy and less time.
Just enter the given angle in the input field and click on the Calculate button, this program calculates and displays the complementary angle on the screen.
What is a Complementary Angle?
Two angles are said to be complementary if the sum of their measure is equal to 90 degrees. For example, 30° and 60° are complementary angles because their sum is 90°.
How to Calculate Complementary Angle?
To calculate the complementary angle, you should have one of the angles. When one of the angles is known, then you can apply the below formula to find the complementary angle.
Complementary Angle = 90° – Given Angle
Example: Find the complementary angle if one of them is 37°.
In this case, we know one of the complementary angles which is equal to 37°.
To find the second angle, we will use the above complementary angle formula:
Complementary Angle = 90° – 37° => 53°.
Therefore, the complementary angle is 53°.