Well coders,
Today we will be solving Box It in C++ HackerRank Solution.
Design a class named Box whose dimensions are integers and private to the class. The dimensions are labelled: length l, breadth b, and height h.
The default constructor of the class should initialize l, b, and h to 0.
The parameterized constructor Box(int length l, int breadth b, int height h) should initialize Box’s and to length, breadth and height.
The copy constructor Box (Box B) should set l , b and h to B’s l , b and h, respectively.
Apart from the above, the class should have 4 functions:
- int getLength() – Return box’s length
- int getBreadth() – Return box’s breadth
- int getHeight() – Return box’s height
- long long CalculateVolume() – Return the volume of the box
Overload the operator < for the class Box. Box A < Box B if:
- A.l < B.l
- A.b < B.b and A.l == B.l
- A.h < B.h and A.b == B.b and A.l == B.l
Overload operator << for the class Box().
If B is an object of class Box:
cout << B should print B.l, B.b and B.h on a single line separated by spaces.\
For example,
Box b1; // Should set b1.l = b1.b = b1.h = 0;
Box b2(2, 3, 4); // Should set b1.l = 2, b1.b = 3, b1.h = 4;
b2.getLength(); // Should return 2
b2.getBreadth(); // Should return 3
b2.getheight(); // Should return 4
b2.CalculateVolume(); // Should return 24
bool x = (b1 < b2); // Should return true based on the conditions given
cout<<b2; // Should print 2 3 4 in order.
0 <= l,b,h <= 105
Two boxes being compared using the < operator will not have all three dimensions equal.
Solution – Box It In C++ HackerRank Solution
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; //Implement the class Box //l,b,h are integers representing the dimensions of the box // The class should have the following functions : // Constructors: // Box(); // Box(int,int,int); // Box(Box); // int getLength(); // Return box's length // int getBreadth (); // Return box's breadth // int getHeight (); //Return box's height // long long CalculateVolume(); // Return the volume of the box //Overload operator < as specified //bool operator<(Box& b) //Overload operator << as specified //ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Box& B) class Box{ private : int l,b,h; public: Box(){l=b=h=0;} Box(int len,int br,int hg){ l = len; b = br; h = hg; } Box(const Box& B){ l = B.l; b = B.b; h = B.h; } int getLenght(){ return l; } int getBreadth(){ return b; } int getHeight(){ return h; } long long CalculateVolume(){ return (long long)l*b*h; } friend bool operator < ( Box&A,Box& B){ if( (A.l < B.l) || ((A.b < B.b) && (A.l == B.l)) || ((A.h < B.h) && (A.l == B.l) && (A.b == B.b)) ){ return true; }else{ return false; } }; friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& output, const Box& B){ output << B.l << " " << B.b << " " << B.h; return output; } }; void check2() { int n; cin>>n; Box temp; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { int type; cin>>type; if(type ==1) { cout<<temp<<endl; } if(type == 2) { int l,b,h; cin>>l>>b>>h; Box NewBox(l,b,h); temp=NewBox; cout<<temp<<endl; } if(type==3) { int l,b,h; cin>>l>>b>>h; Box NewBox(l,b,h); if(NewBox<temp) { cout<<"Lesser\n"; } else { cout<<"Greater\n"; } } if(type==4) { cout<<temp.CalculateVolume()<<endl; } if(type==5) { Box NewBox(temp); cout<<NewBox<<endl; } } } int main() { check2(); }
Disclaimer: The above Problem (Box It!) is generated by Hacker Rank but the Solution is provided by CodingBroz.
Broz Who Code