In this post, we are going to solve the problem, 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal problem of Leetcode. This problem 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal is a Leetcode medium level problem. Let’s see the code, 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal – Leetcode Solution.
Given the root
of a binary tree, return the level order traversal of its nodes’ values. (i.e., from left to right, level by level).
Example 1 :
Input: root = [3,9,20,null,null,15,7]
Output: [[3],[9,20],[15,7]]
Example 2 :
Input: root = [1]
Output: [[1]]
Example 3 :
Input: root = []
Output: []
- The number of nodes in the tree is in the range
[0, 2000]
. -1000 <= Node.val <= 1000
Now, let’s see the code of 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal – Leetcode Solution.
Diameter of Binary Tree – Leetcode Solution
102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal – Solution in Java
/** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode left; * TreeNode right; * TreeNode() {} * TreeNode(int val) { this.val = val; } * TreeNode(int val, TreeNode left, TreeNode right) { * this.val = val; * this.left = left; * this.right = right; * } * } */ class Solution { public List<List<Integer>> levelOrder(TreeNode root) { ArrayDeque<TreeNode> q = new ArrayDeque<TreeNode>(); List<List<Integer>> ans = new ArrayList<>(); if(root == null)return ans; q.add(root); while(q.size()>0){ List<Integer> subAns = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int size = q.size(); while(size-- > 0){ if(q.peek().left != null) q.add(q.peek().left); if(q.peek().right != null) q.add(q.peek().right); subAns.add(q.remove().val); } ans.add(subAns); } return ans; } }
102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal – Solution in C++
class Solution { public: vector<vector<int>> levelOrder(TreeNode* root) { if (!root) { return {}; } vector<int> row; vector<vector<int> > result; queue<TreeNode*> q; q.push(root); int count = 1; while (!q.empty()) { if (q.front()->left) { q.push(q.front()->left); } if (q.front()->right) { q.push(q.front()->right); } row.push_back(q.front()->val), q.pop(); if (--count == 0) { result.emplace_back(row), row.clear(); count = q.size(); } } return result; } };
102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal – Solution in Python
from collections import deque class Solution: def levelOrder(self, root): if not root: return [] queue, res = deque([root]), [] while queue: cur_level, size = [], len(queue) for i in range(size): node = queue.popleft() if node.left: queue.append(node.left) if node.right: queue.append(node.right) cur_level.append(node.val) res.append(cur_level) return res
Note: This problem 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal is generated by Leetcode but the solution is provided by CodingBroz. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purpose.