Average Cost Calculator

Cost Average Calculator

Average cost calculator is an online web tool which helps users to calculate the average cost of a product. When we have multiple products to buy, which have almost the same value. Then, in such kind of situations, an average cost calculator can easily calculate the per unit cost of an item.

What is the Average Cost?

The average cost is the per unit cost of a product. It is the ratio of the total cost of all products to the total no of products.

How to Calculate Average Cost?

The average cost of a product is the ratio of the total cost of all products to the total number of products. The formula used to calculate the average cost is:

Average Cost = Total Cost / Quantity

For example, if you purchase 7 smartphones and the total cost of all smartphones is $4000. Then, the average cost of a smartphone will be:

Average Cost = $4000 / 7 => $ 571.43

Average cost of a smartphone = $571.43