In this post, we will solve Almost Sorted HackerRank Solution. This problem (Almost Sorted) is a part of HackerRank Problem Solving series.
Given an array of integers, determine whether the array can be sorted in ascending order using only one of the following operations one time.
- Swap two elements.
- Reverse one sub-segment.
Determine whether one, both or neither of the operations will complete the task. Output is as follows.
- If the array is already sorted, output yes on the first line. You do not need to output anything else.
- If you can sort this array using one single operation (from the two permitted operations) then output yes on the first line and then:
- If elements can only be swapped, d[l] and d[r], output swap l r in the second line. l and r are the indices of the elements to be swapped, assuming that the array is indexed from 1 to n.
- If elements can only be reversed, for the segment d[l . . . r], output reverse l r in the second line. l and r are the indices of the first and last elements of the subarray to be reversed, assuming that the array is indexed from 1 to n. Here d[l . . . r] represents the subarray that begins at index l and ends at index r, both inclusive.
If an array can be sorted both ways, by using either swap or reverse, choose swap.
- If the array cannot be sorted either way, output no on the first line.
arr = [2, 3, 5, 4]
Either swap the 4 and 5 at indices 3 and 4, or reverse them to sort the array. As mentioned above, swap is preferred over reverse. Choose swap. On the first line, print yes
. On the second line, print swap 3 4
Function Description
Complete the almostSorted function in the editor below.
almostSorted has the following parameter(s):
- int arr[n]: an array of integers
- Print the results as described and return nothing.
Input Format
The first line contains a single integer n, the size of arr.
The next line contains n space-separated integers arr[i] where 1 <= i <= n.
- 2 <= n <= 100000
- 0 <= arr[i] <= 1000000
- All arr[i] are distinct.
Output Format
- If the array is already sorted, output yes on the first line. You do not need to output anything else.
- If you can sort this array using one single operation (from the two permitted operations) then output yes on the first line and then:
a. If elements can be swapped, d[l] and d[r], output swap l r in the second line. l and r are the indices of the elements to be swapped, assuming that the array is indexed from 1 to n.
b. Otherwise, when reversing the segment d[l . . . r], output reverse l r in the second line. l and r are the indices of the first and last elements of the subsequence to be reversed, assuming that the array is indexed from 1 to n.
d[l . . . r]represents the sub-sequence of the array, beginning at index l and ending at index r, both inclusive.
If an array can be sorted by either swapping or reversing, choose swap.
- If you cannot sort the array either way, output no on the first line.
Sample Input 1
STDIN Function
----- --------
2 arr[] size n = 2
4 2 arr = [4, 2]
Sample Output 1
swap 1 2
Explanation 1
You can either swap(1, 2) or reverse(1, 2). You prefer swap.
Sample Input 2
3 1 2
Sample Output 2
Explanation 2
It is impossible to sort by one single operation.
Sample Input 3
1 5 4 3 2 6
Sample Output 3
reverse 2 5
Explanation 3
You can reverse the sub-array d[2…5] = “5 4 3 2”, then the array becomes sorted.
Solution – Almost Sorted – HackerRank Solution
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; // Sort and compare. // Do as you are told. int main() { int n; int arr[100000]; scanf("%d",&n); for (int i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%d",&arr[i]); int sorted[100000]; for (int i=0;i<n;i++) sorted[i]=arr[i]; sort(sorted,sorted+n); vector<int> diff; for (int i=0;i<n;i++) if (sorted[i]!=arr[i]) diff.push_back(i); if (diff.size()==0) printf("yes\n"); else if (diff.size()==2) printf("yes\nswap %d %d\n",diff[0]+1,diff[1]+1); //Index starts at 1!!! else //Let's try reverse it! { int st = diff[0], ed = diff[diff.size()-1]; while (st<ed) { swap(arr[st],arr[ed]); st++; ed--; } int flag=1; for (int i=0;i<n;i++) if (sorted[i]!=arr[i]) { printf("no\n"); return 0; } printf("yes\nreverse %d %d\n",diff[0]+1,diff[diff.size()-1]+1); //Index starts at 1!!! } }
import sys def is_sorted(arr): return all(arr[i] <= arr[i+1] for i in range(len(arr)-1)) def almostSorted(arr): swap_l = -1 swap_r = -1 for ind in range(1, len(arr)): if arr[ind - 1] > arr[ind]: swap_l = ind - 1 break for ind in range(swap_l + 1, len(arr)): if ind == len(arr) - 1 or arr[ind + 1] > arr[swap_l]: swap_r = ind arr[swap_l], arr[swap_r] = arr[swap_r], arr[swap_l] break if is_sorted(arr): print("yes") print("swap {} {}".format(swap_l + 1, swap_r + 1)) return True arr[swap_l], arr[swap_r] = arr[swap_r], arr[swap_l] rev_l = -1 rev_r = -1 for ind in range(len(arr) - 1): if rev_l == -1 and arr[ind] > arr[ind + 1]: rev_l = ind elif rev_l != -1 and arr[ind] < arr[ind + 1]: rev_r = ind break to_rev = arr[rev_l:rev_r+1] arr = arr[:rev_l] + to_rev[::-1] + arr[rev_r+1:] if is_sorted(arr): print("yes") print("reverse {} {}".format(rev_l + 1, rev_r + 1)) return True print("no") return False if __name__ == "__main__": n = int(input().strip()) arr = list(map(int, input().strip().split(' '))) almostSorted(arr)
import*; public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; //Get input final int N = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); final int[] arr = new int[N]; String[] line = br.readLine().split(" "); for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i){ arr[i] = Integer.parseInt(line[i]); } //Print output System.out.print(solve(arr, N)); } private static String solve(final int[] A, final int N){ int l = 0; int r = N - 1; //Check for out of place index from the left while(l < r && A[l] <= A[l+1]){ ++l; } //Check if array already sorted if(l == r){ return "yes"; } //Check for out of place index from the right while(r > l && A[r] >= A[r-1]){ --r; } //Check if swapping or reversing would NOT sort the array if((l > 0 && A[r] < A[l-1]) || (r < N-1 && A[l] > A[r+1])){ return "no"; } //Check if we're dealing with a reversal int m; for(m = l+1; m < r && A[m] >= A[m+1]; ++m){} if(m == r){ return "yes\n" + ((r-l < 2) ? "swap " : "reverse ") + (l+1) + " " + (r+1); } //Check if we're NOT dealing with a swap if(m-l > 1 || A[l] < A[r-1] || A[r] > A[l+1]){ return "no"; } //Check if we're dealing with a swap for(int k = r-1; m < k && A[m] <= A[m+1]; ++m){} return (r-m > 1) ? "no" : "yes\nswap " + (l+1) + " " + (r+1); } }
Note: This problem (Almost Sorted) is generated by HackerRank but the solution is provided by CodingBroz. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purpose.