Absence Percentage Calculator

Absence Rate Calculator

Absence Percentage Calculator is a simple yet powerful online tool which helps you calculate the absence rate of your employees.

If you are looking for a way to easily calculate the absence rate of your employees, then using this online tool, you can easily do so.

Whether running a big corporation or a small startup, keeping track of employee absenteeism rate is crucial for every business. A higher absenteeism rate impacts the company revenue negatively and also creates poor client service.

To maintain the decorum of the company and for regular growth, you should be aware of the absenteeism rate of your employees. To solve your problem, we have made this easy-to-use absence rate calculator which will help you calculate the absence rate of your employees and save a lot of your time.

What is the Absence Rate?

The absence rate or absenteeism percentage is the rate of unplanned absence due to sickness or personal reasons. A higher absence means the employees are frequently missing out on work. This will lead to low output and poor service support, which in return negatively affect the organisation.

A lower absence rate means that employees are regularly coming to work. This is necessary for the growth of each and every company.

How to Calculate the Employee’s Absence Rate?

The absenteeism rate formula is used to calculate the absence rate of the employees. The formula is:

Absence Rate = Total Days Absent / (Number of Employees X Number of Work Days) X 100


  • Total Days Absent – The number of days an employee is absent from the company due to personal reasons.
  • Number of Employees – it is the total strength of the employees.
  • Number of Work Days – It is the total working days assigned to the employees.

Using the above formula, you can easily calculate the absence rate of a company, organization or class.